Drawing again.

Le Temps.
(encre de Chine)

21 commentaires:

Gorgeous Clara a dit…

great work!

The Cat's Whiskers a dit…

reminds me of artdeco paintings. i like it!
♠ ♠ ♠


Celine KG a dit…

omd tu es si doué.

xoxo, Céline

Blake Jacobsen a dit…

This is beautiful! Somehow I never knew that you were an artist.

Dana a dit…

Beautiful Adeline :)

B. a dit…

Oua sais super beau !
Si toi qui la fait ? (:

Unknown a dit…

Beauty :)

Anonyme a dit…

J'adore ton blog. Tu es si inspirante. x

Sandra M a dit…

C'est très cool!

Biancaprincipessa a dit…

to si robila ty?

Style With K a dit…

wow very nice!!

would you like to follow each other?? I always follow back! = )

kisses from La Mode En Rose = )

Unknown a dit…

Je sais que tu ne veux pas parler de tes études, mais as-tu fais des études d'art ?
En tout cas, c'est très beau. :)

letiziabarcelona a dit…

me fait penser à Klimt ! du beau boulot Adeline.

Hash Draws a dit…


Thats what I like it! people I follow back into their old skills!!!
And yeah, it reminds me to Klimt or Mucha, too! I LOVE mucha :DDD

Keep on drawing, Adeline, please!!! Youre very talented! :D

Federico Panarello a dit…

so cute!


Anonyme a dit…

to biancaprincipessa - Adeline will certainly understand what you wrote...

The drawing is pure perfection.

Mei-li a dit…

aaaa il na va plus rien nous arriver d'affreux maintenant !
hé lucienne c'est la plus belle !!
j'aime vraiment beaucoup les bague de louise !
et cette série de photo est bien sympas

Unknown a dit…

this is really good... I can't explain what this drawing makes me feel.. it's so deep.. I love it.. I'm an illustrator too, though my art is different than yours... I'm seriously loving the look on that woman's face..
stay cool!

Waagella a dit…

Amazing. It's going to haunt me. I hope you continue drawing!

SoapyMermaid a dit…


charlotte a dit…

nice blog.
